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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tres bien - Biennale!

My bright orange Singapore Biennale orange bag

Singapore Biennale 2011 was on the run for almost 2 months now. To be exact, it was 13 March 2011 to 15 May 2011.

I've got my tickets for a while, bought it 4 weeks before the finale - 15.5.11. All entry to 4 venues with audio guide for SGD10. So far, I've visited Singapore Art Museum (SAM)and Singapore Art Museum at 8Q (SAM@8Q) -lovely art installation, weeks ago before the finale.

I must say that my schedule was an haywire and going to the last two venues on last minute basis weren't helping me at all.

Rush rush thing it was...

15.5.11 Early bird get the worms-I'd say!
I was up wee hours in the morning. Then off I go hopping into a cab and specifically told uncle driver ( we fondly called uncle and aunties in Singapore yet we are not bloodily related, just out of respect)

'Uncle, I need to go Old Kallang Airport.'

Soon, he whisked me in his fast and furious manner to Old Airport Road!


Wait-a-minute! Oh no!It's Old Kallang Airport, uncle!

Sensing something amiss as he vroomed pass by some big orange colored Biennale posters and banners, I quipped at him,'Uncle, I need to go there-pointing at the deserted building with many orange colors banners / posters'

"Aiyoh, why now you tell me? If I missed out this turn - it will be far for you to u-turn back lah.."

Well, for obviouse reason - my wallet gonna be sorry.

"Okay, okay miss. No problem lah.. I drive you there lah.."

Just save the argument and looking forward arriving to the venue itself..

As the cab arrived at the main gate, there wasn't much thing to look forward to because I personally felt I was transported (teleported??) back in time, at least 50 years ago.

'Whoa! Good Lord Mama! Where on earth am I?!'

We stopped at the guard post. Upon seeing me, one of the guard said,
'Lady, it's 9am and they haven't open up yet. You got 30 minutes or so to go..'

"Oh noo! I am way too early"

'Why don't you come in and get your breakfast in somewhere right inside'

" Well, it was a lovely idea! "

The portable and reliable Toast Box - found and sighted at Old Kallang Airport. Tummy need food!!

Yes, the usual roti (bread in Malay language) and kopi (coffee in Malay language) This is Set A or something, that comes with your puffing hot coffee or tea ( I chose milky tea) with your toasted bread spread with thinly sliced butter and kaya (coconut jam), not forgetting the half boiled eggs.

This is how you eat it.. break it..don't forget the soy sauce and a dash of pepper

It was a temporary set up as I heard from the lady over the counter. Today was their last day too in Old Kallang Airport. It was a hot sunny Sunday and it was just me in the joint.

Wohooo...! Anybody home ?!

Just me with my hungry tummy and serenity..

And I found some interesting exhibits in this local food and beverage joint

Long wooden stool for sale

Kitchen utensils and trinkets on the cupboard shelf

Such nostalgia ?

The installation in this joint no doubt decorative & nostalgic. I personally felt it's a preview of what's more to see in the exhibits later on

After getting my food fuel, I was looking out of the window in this joint.

Behind it was an aircraft hangar!

Did you see what I see?
Was that an aircraft turbine engine?

The venue itself is such an old world charm. Old Kallang Airport used to be the island's civillian airport in mid 1950's.

I must admit that I should have take the early initiative to visit all venues earlier and not on last minute basis.

Though I must agree with one thing, nothing was lost though.

It was tres bien, Singapore Biennale.

p/s: Just want to make it short and sassy - I hope to blog more on my 2nd piece on Biennale (if time permits) Well, readers who are curious about some phrases and things that I've mentioned in this blog, I've provided some TRIVIAs with the link below (for more read up at your own leisurely pace and time)Here goes...!

What's a KAYA?

What's with the KAYA TOAST?

What's with the LAH?

Tres bien, Singapore Biennale 2011 ! http://www.singaporebiennale.org

What's SAM? It's Singapore Art Museum

Find and see it yourself the mystical beast at Merlion Park http://www.yoursingapore.com/content/traveller/en/browse/see-and-do/family-fun/attraction/merlion-park.html

Old world charm in Old Kallang Airport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kallang_Airport

Where can I see and feel Singapore under the rotunda dome?
Answer: National Museum of Singapore - www.nationalmuseum.sg/

Okay lah, one last question! What's rotunda?
Answer: Barucunda it is not , click here for answer http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rotunda