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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Elianto Spree - Make Up

I went for an online spree at: http://www.epayasia.com.my/elianto/default.aspx

Got myself these:

1st item: Elianto's Eyeliner Pencil , Code 02 , Shimmer White
Smooth application and just love it for not smudging on me. (yeap, tried and tested)

2nd item: Elianto's Color Studio Baby Blue Shadow, Code : 22
Just loved the color, can't wait to try it!

3rd item: I ran out of white shadow as brow highlighter and trying to find something off the norm. So I hope this will do it right. It's Elianto's Pearl Shine Shadow, Baby Pink , Code: 18

4th item : Elianto's Vibrant Shadow , Olive Green, Code : 20

5th item: Finally, to get these colors fixtate and last all day long - an eye primer but sadly - they sent the one shade darker for moi so gonna make the arrangement for an exchange.

Pretty reasonably priced; it was like USD 2 per eye shadow or SGD 2.50 per eye shadow; I've visited some other blogs who tried and tested this product hence gave it a try anyway. Read up for more reference if you wish:




Disclaimer: Bought all these using my own MONEY

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Boys, Men & Machine in RSAF Open House 2011

I can't believe it that another weekend has arrive and last week Sunday was amazingly hot! Apart meeting up the Top Gun's Asian Tom Cruise look-a-like in the Royal Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Open House in Paya Lebar Airbase, I'd say it was edutaining at the same time.

Anyway, here are the loaded photos with some caption that I must include:

The crest of RSAF:

The Lion & Tiger with the half cresent moon denoting Singapore's as a young rising nation in the east and 5 stars of Equality, Peace, Progress, Democracy and Justice. The bowl of golden laurel that cups the silver wings...

Here's Singapore - under the eagle's wings

Child's play!

Here's my plane! This that seperates boys and men!

I can't recalled whether it's F16 or F15 BUT it's sleek and it's fast and furious!

Needless to tell you WHY? Power exhaust with maximum thrust...!
Mmmy lord! Power!

You CAN touch this!
Throng of people in the que. One on your left, you que and you go into the aircraft's cockpit and another que on your right, you que to see and snap pictures.

Though I can't remember which left or right que but I've got the chance to go into a chopper - CHINOOK!

I always thought that it's like riding a plane but nay,nay!!
There isn't any air conditioning and you are seated, strapped next to the wall, to that interior of the chopper that seperates you and the thin air.

"Be my unicorn!" Next to unicorn : The Vent

Fascinating to know that it can climb as high as 18,000 feet but most of the time they don't reach the maximum height. I found out from men on duty that air is cooler when airborne hence air conditioning not required.

"High High Up in The Skies"
One of the highlight was the aeriel display of fighter jets F15, F16 and choppers Chinook and Puma. And not forgeting the champs of the skies, daredevil jumpers in their striking red parachutes - Red Lions!
MMmmmy Lord!

The Red Lions had landed

This the public viewing platform

Just look at the crowd!

Top Gun's Tom Cruise of the East?

Republic of Singapore, The Airfore - Above All

I am sure many who went for this yearly event were amazed by it's excellent edutaiment program. Salute to all these brave men on going up and into unknown land, seas and skies ; many places to protect and to prevail peace on earth & also Singapore.

Aye Aye Captain and fellow men!

I rendered my respect to you all - A BIG SALUTE, A BIG KISS ON THE CHEEKS TOO!

Idiot's guide to salute: