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Monday, March 28, 2011

Holi Celebrations 26 March 2011

This is my first feat attending the Holi Hungama celebrations last Sunday.

Prior making decision to attend it with my friends, I've managed to see the preview by BBC at the following link:

I was hesitant on going but I did go. It was a joyous celebrations as we were approached in friendly way where Hindu believers came forward with their palms smeared in colourful powder of their choice of red, yellow, pink and green. They came to me; greeted me in such big smile (and some cheekiness too)and of course with well wishes too.

I've paid SGD 5 for the entrance ticket. I've gotten 4 packets of colourful powder. I was curious & asked around of its content. A lady replied that it was made from herbal ingredients though I could not grasp the name. She gave me a tip to wear white for such occasion as the splattered colours on the white would bring out these colours very well.

I can't agree more with her!
She also said not to wash it away as it bring good luck. She also quipped that it was a celebration to welcome spring into the season. Whether young or old, it was good to wish everyone a Happy Holi and not forgetting to dabbed colourful powder on the face for good luck charm!

Did you see spats of colours on that white shirt?
They greeted in unison - " Happy Holi! " while their palms touched my face. The cheeky ones would gave you a surprise by scattering colourful powder and dashed for their lives! It was a happy time throughout because you will tend to reciprocate their wishes too.

I am not going to give it a miss for next year.
And not forgetting my white shirt to grace this happy occasion!I couldn't load up my photo in the blog because I was in complete sheer mess.

The fantastic friendly crowd. There was a Bollywood couple competition dance on stage.

Anyway, I took photos of my friends who accompanied me there and you'll see the aftermath of colourful pieces of HOLI:

En vogue - Hair Colour!

Colourful Palms

Let me wish all Hindus a Happy Holi!

Happy Holi everyone!

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