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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shopping : Beauty Bargain from Nature Republic

This is one of my beauty randomness : MAKE UP !

During the last long weekend Lunar New Year holidays,I did some bargain splurging on Make Up!

Went to this Nature Republic shop at Parkway Parade, #B1-55

The sweet nice lady staff approached me and share with me about the FUKUBUKURO BAG. It was no mystery as she bought one for herself. She took out every single item from that bag and placed it on the counter.I was tempted. Well, it's because that lucky bag selling at SGD50nett and
my mental arimathics was telling me, all the items in it definately worth more than what I am about to pay for...

She was sharing with me the selling price of each item contained in that bag. At that point of time, I felt I was the luckiest person in the world (ok a bit too much) , luckiest person as there wasn't any shoppers in yet.

So, in the spur of the moment I told her that, "OK, I'm going to grab one!" Now the question is - Which one? Oh, the mystery of it sets in!

I was given a tip. .."Choose the heaviest.."

Yeah, that's right! Paid it at the cashier and once reached home, my heart beat paced a beat faster than the usual. I was set on to unleash all the goodies inside that lucky and mysterious FUKUBUKURO bag!

Amazing trove of goodies!

I am unsure though whether there is any FUKUBUKURO bag left at that outlet.
You may want to contact them at the following: http://naturerepublic.com.sg

p.s: I am still trying to figure out using this blog and wondering how I can post in more photos. In any way, that this failed - you can see the photos in my twitter @desvfashion

p.p.s: Also, I am not paid for this blogging, am pleased to share with you all of my lately found lucky and not so mysterious FUKUBUKURO bag which bought using my own money.

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