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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beauty : Rose Water / Toner by Mustika Ratu

Of late I've finished my current toner and looking for something soothing for my combination skin after cleansing. Well, I surfed the internet and found something interesting about this skincare, beauty and wellness product from Indonesia called Mustika Ratu.

Interesting enough, with the help of Indonesian English translator from www.http://www.stars21.com/translator/indonesian_to_english.html - I found what it means literally.

Mustika (pronounced as MUS-TI-KA) means stone while Ratu (pronounced as RA-TU) means queen.

It says," The queen's precious stone. "

Amazing! And one astonishing find was that it is an age old pass me on beauty recipe from the royalty family of founder Madame Mooryati - wow!

Well, back to my review on 2 bought products - White Rose Water Toner & Red Rose Water Toner...  

White Rose Water Toner - All natural rose water from Mustika Ratu
I bought these two products over the causeway over a mall called Parkson Grand.It was priced at SGD 4.00 or so after some in store discounts. I understand that Mustika Ratu also sell sachet of face mask which in powdery form and this White Rose Water/Toner can be used as a mixer for the mask. There wasn't any intention to get those mask sachet because at that moment because it wasn't in my shopping list. Interesting enough, I saw other beauty wellness products in form of supplement ; which called JAMU ( pronounced as JA-MU) for women. Jamu as translated again, it means herbal medicine.  

I remembered a scene from the movie, " Eat, Pray, Love " main role of Elizabeth Gilbert played by Julia Roberts; a hangover remedy that was brought for her from her future to be South American hubby...I think that is remedy is a JAMU...!   

Well, all sort of jamu (herbal medicine) from Mustika Ratu...
From head to toe; to slim the tummy with some tea; to firm up your bosom buddies with cream and capsules and something to treat the v-jay jay too...

Here is the website that listed all their products.

It is all in Indonesian and the translator helps!

Finally; the second product. Red Rose Water / Toner !! 

Penyegar (pronounced as PEN-YE-GAR) means toner.
Sari ( pronounced as SA-RI) means flowers
Mawar ( pronounced as MA-WAR) means rose or mei gui in Chinese  

The smell is much stronger than the white one. Even so, I find it soothing for my skin.
Well, for the white rose water/toner - I filled it up in a portable spritzer and it's always on the go avec moi. After long hours under the sun, I would spritz it all over my face for immediate refreshing feeling. The smell is not over empowering, just nice sweet subtle rose smell.

Oh la la...! Not to mention the aromatheraphy a-la rose at home and on the go!

I tried to search outlets locally in Singapore but to no avail so that's one of the reason to shop over the causeway.

Disclaimer: All product are self purchased and it is not a paid review.

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