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Monday, January 16, 2012

Red on Red - Chinese Lunar New Year

Hello people!

It's been 2 weeks past the new year and how's everything going on so far?

Well, it's been a roller coster ride for me in 2011 and I hope 2012, would be a great smooth ride for moi!

Anyway, Chinese Lunar New Year is just round the corner - infact, it falls on 23 January 2012.

Well, Christmas last year was full of 12 days festivities and guess how many days do Chinese celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year?

It's not 12 days but 15 days of celebrations!

On the eve of the new year, there this reunion dinner which is a must attend highlight of the year. Prior to this event, few hours before dinnertime, there's a havoc going on the kitchen in the food preparation but nowadays, it is unlikely for many of us or my family especially the womenfolk in the household ; getting up and dirty. Not forget to mention the clean up too. So, come handy on the menu from Cantonese restaurants that we order the Chinese New Year dishes & to dig onto. Of course, the bill will be hefty in a way but it is once a year celebration. And when the bill is equally shared with your family brood - your brothers and sisters, well it's not that expensive anyway.

Everyone would dressed to their nines in the family. New dresses , top blouses and bottoms pants with brand new pair of heels/shoes. New hair cut with streaks of color highlights. New colors chic in display on your hands and feets. A week prior to the big day, appointments booked up on the manicure pedicure ; the facial ; the hair salon visit ; shopping galore for self and family and all that preparation for the festivities... Well, does that mean 15 sets of new clothes and all sort new then? 

The spring cleaning of the home is what I dreaded most....! Throw what's old and try to keep things to the minimum...! Every nook and corner of the home is not missed. You sprayed ; misted and dusted all yucky things away. The living room, the bedroom, the washroom, the verandah...practically everywhere you sweep and mop. Sweat it out, it's all I can say. It's the utmost important thing to do because your relatives - the not so distant and sometimes far, will come over for a visit and yes, you do not want to hear anything like, " Oh, why is that corner is so dusty? " or "Oh my! Just look at that grime on the toilet bowl!"

Mom and dad wouldn't be pleased.

So you can imagine how stressful it is even before the festivities begin.

No wonder, Dr Oz said there are higher chances for heart attack during this period of time.

Anyway, there's so much for me to share on how we Chinese like me in the little red dot Singapore celebrate it.

Keep your eyes peel & your ball rolling on this page, till then...!

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